
Market your Physiotherapy services to Dance Institutes/Academies

Before Marketing your services please make sure you have a thorough knowledge about the PT services for Dancers, know the academy and type of injuries common in the dance forms trained, practiced and performed particular for that academy. (E.g. PT needed for a Ballet Dancers and B- Boying is totally different)


Make a Business Case for Dance Academies

• Marketing your PT services for Dance Academies need a strategic designing.
 Develop a strategic plan for it that is aligned with not just the preventive goals for the dancers, but with the production, service, quality, environmental and profitability goals of the Academy stakeholders.
Make a chart of common injuries in Dancing
How it affects life of a Dancer and also the leaves disable in certain conditions.

Collect email Ids from newspapers
These days more and more Dance academies and Institutes gives invitation for participants. In the newspapers as well as on their websites the email address is open.
Send them mail with list of our services. If possible make a brochure displaying your clinic, your services and if possible regarding Dance Injuries and Physiotherapy results. Add one or two testimonials in that brochure.
Explain the incidence of injuries in Dancers
Explain the impact on delay in time and performance taken due to recovery

Explain on floor availability of a Physical Therapists for prevention and management of Dance Injuries

Calculate the return on investment
Before starting your services makes sure you get a form filled by at least 50 % dancers asking their type of work (Fulltime/ part time), try to figure the incidence of injuries in your group of dancers, impact on their work, leaves taken to recover, etc. At the end of each month give a comparative chart data showing the effectiveness of your onsite services in giving them a total Return on their investment.  
Talk the Language – Speak in Plain and Simple Language
The dance academy will have to make and sell 1,000 dance performances to pay for just one corrective surgery (ligament reconstruction, internal fixation for fracture and rehabilitation which will require lot of time in recovery and retraining), including lost work days, workers’ compensation and all related expenses.”

Be Aware of Successes – Preach Success
Provide examples with real data that Dance Academies can understand –
E.g. of different dance institutes having a physiotherapists on the floor.
Talk to the Right People – Talk to the Power People

There are really two issues in building a case for Physiotherapy services for Dancers. First, we have to gain the attention of Academy Head/Manager by clearly articulating the benefits of effective therapy. Second, we have to be able to define the financial benefits of productivity gains resulting from on the floor Physiotherapy services.

• Identify a “Right Person” who can be a catalyst for getting the contract for your services.
• Set up and apply metrics that will define success in terms of the core business functions as well as health benefits.

Add your say in the comments.
For every contract I guess practical charges can be charged heavily and PTs who are interested in it can earn a lot.

Role of PT in Dance Injuries - Assessment, Prevention and Dance Treatment

Health Issues in Dancers
"Dance Injury" can be defined as any dance-related pain or disorder that led to evaluation in the clinics.

Assessment for Dancers includes - 
  • Assessment for Biomechanical dysfunction (because of hyper or hypomobile joints or musculature, deformities or discrepancies)
  • Assessment for Aerobic and Anaerobic Fitness
  • Assessment of high risk movements involved in the dance form.
  • Assessment of Vitals and each system analysis for D/D 
  • Assessment of Balance
  • Assessment of Vision
Effective tools to measure the dancers aerobic fitness & risk of injury

* Accelerated 3 Minute Step Test (112 step test)
This test provides an efficient, acceptable tool for testing dance populations

* YMCA Step Test (96 step test)

* Incremental Treadmill Test

* Vertical jump (VJ) height, balance, and range of motion (ROM)

* Combined triaxial accelerometry

* Heart rate telemetry

* Bone Mineral Density (A study done on ballet dancer concludes that more than half of highly-trained young male ballet dancers presented with low levels of vitamin D in winter)

* Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT) - The SEBT requires the subject to reach in the anterior, posterior-medial, and posteriorlateral directions with the free-limb foot while standing on the reference limb. A composite reach score is determined by calculating the sum of distance reached in the three directions and normalizing to leg length.

* Functional turnout angle (FTA) - The FTA is assessed in first position by measuring the angle of bisection between the second and third metatarsals and the midpoint of the calcaneus.

These are two important screening tool for identifying dancers at risk for lower extremity injury.

Brief Symptom Inventory® (BSI) for assessment of psychological distress

For Proprioceptive Testing
1. A joint-position matching task to assess static proprioceptive joint awareness, and
2. An eyes-closed, quiet standing task to assess both static and dynamic proprioceptive awareness through measures of center of pressure (COP) variability.

Patient specific functional scale (PSFS)

For Pain - Numerical Pain Rating System (NPRS), Visual Analogue Scale, other tools

For core strength and endurance -  Timed plank, side-plank, and bridge positions

Prevention – 
Warm up and Cool down with cross training, 
Proper Nutritional Diet, 
Sunlight (For Vit D)

Dance injury Treatment

Pilates (Core Muscle Stabilizers Training), 
Stretching & Strengthening (customized for each individual), 
Flexibility Training, 
Strength Training, 
Aerobic Training, 
Proprioceptive Exercises,
Dance Modification, 
Attention Training, 
Vestibular Therapy, 
Balance Training, etc. 

Add your say in comments. 

In the next post - Part III - Marketing your services to Dance Institutes and Academies

For References Click Here