
911 For Physical Therapists

Kids hate milk and loves Coldrinks

By 2000, even the milk consumption decreased by almost 40% in children ages 6-11 whilst consumption of carbonated sodas rose to 150 percent. Not Kidding!!!

Tall buildings discourage stair case & encourage elevator and escalator use.

With advancement in technologies and changing life style, we are discouraging physical activity & encourage automobile use!!!
Tall buildings discourage stair case & encourage elevator and escalator use.
Look at this beautiful example.
A practical situation is putting a mark (the one in this snap) near the escalators and stairs that will definitely encourage people to use stairs.


Prevalence of Childhood Disability in India

Look at the numbers!!!
Isn't it strange whereas India is considered as a developing country.
The number is almost near to US.

Childhood Obesity

The World Health Organization (WHO) has labelled childhood obesity as the most serious public health problem of the twenty first century.
There has been a dramatic increase in childhood obesity in the past couple of decades.
Today's post will talk all about Childhood Obesity in India and ways to prevent it.


Taping made very easy for Muscle Applications!!!!

Secrets revealed
Taping made very easy for Muscle Applications!!!!
Do more hands on - If you wanna try taping, start its application using simple mircopore tape. On top apply durapore tape to maintain adherence. Use of durapore directly should be done using precautionary measures as while removal sensitive skin can get injured.

Four Application techniques of Kinesio Taping.

 Suggestions welcomed!!!

Taping for Trigger Points

Its a Space Tape trigger point application.

Spacetape is a special form of ligament application affixed to pain and trigger points for pain attenuation.

As with a pain point, 4 tape strips are used for the treatment of trigger points. The tape width as well as the tape length is adapted to the location of the trigger point. As a general rule, the tape width is halved.

Example for Infraspinatus

A Shoulder protracted: Affix the entire length of the maximally stretched tape strips. Affix tape ends without tension

B Repeat the application technique for each tape strip.  Sequence: horizontal, vertical, diagonal

C Completed application


Different Colours of KinesioTape

Have you ever wondered what the color of the Kinesio Tape means?
Here is the answer for it.
Opinions and suggestions welcomed!!!

Different Colors of the Kinesio Tape - Meaning

Remember - Taping is just an adjunct to our therapy!!!

Taping Made Easy for Physios

An effort to make taping easy -
Types of Taping and the type of tape used for it.
Suggestions Welcomed!!!

Keep observing this space for more.


THE PATIENT is the most important person.

He is not dependent on us,
We are dependent on him.

He is not an interruption to our business,
He is the purpose of it.

He is not an outsider to our business,
He is a part of it.

We are not doing him a favour by serving him,
He is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so.

Adapted from the works of Mahatma Gandhi.

Ultrasound Interpretation for Arteries made easy for Physiotherapists

Basics whilst interpretation of ultrasonography for arteries reports:
~Normally more resistant area like limb arteries shows triphasic waves.
~Normally less resistant areas like brain, kidney and liver arteries shows biphasic waves.
Again! Corrections welcomed!

MRI Made Easy for Physiotherapists

MRI brain made easy. Get your pen and paper to note down.

~White matter is white and grey matter is grey.
~If old infarct then image is black.

~Opp to T1
~If old infarct then image is white.
~CSF is suppressed and water is white.

FLAIR: Fluid is suppressed.

STIR: Fat is suppressed.

~Acute Infarct - Bright
~Old Infarct - Dull

Hemorrhage - black


Do you have an ICE NUMBER??

Do you have an ICE NUMBER??

You probably should. Its a number (often from your family member) entered in your cell phone contact list under ICE (for in case of Emergency).

When you encounter any health issues in public, people can look for this number in case if you're unable to talk.

Lose weight with this trick

Torch calories with this workout trick:


Need to drop an extra 10 pounds? Researchers in Australia have discovered a fat burning shortcut. Here's the trick: Hop on an exercise bike and do 8 seconds of intense cycling, followed by 12 seconds of light cycling; repeat for a total of 20 minutes. Women who did this lost three times as much fat (especially from their legs and butts) as women who exercised at a steady pace for 40 minutes. The intervals help your body produce more fat burning compounds called catecholamines. Swimming, walking, or the elliptical trainer may have the same fat-burning kick, researcher says.

So go go go, get on your bikes or get your patients on the bike.

10 Steps for selecting a Good Ergonomic Chair

If you follow the above 10 steps while selecting a chair, you will never have any issues with your health. Spread the word as its not just for our health but for society.